Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Birthday Extravaganza

This past Sunday was the girls birthday and it was celebrated in style that leaned to neither pink or blue. The morning began with a warm cup of tea from their new set, which was mostly blue or green and only the pot pink. After we finished our tea party/breakfast we set off for downtown to feed the local wildlife. Safely held by their father the girls showed no fear when the sinister geese encroached on our space or the numerous pigeons swarmed us for a handout. We all were sad though that the poor ducks did not get to join in the festivities. After completing this mission we headed off to the fountains where the girls gleefully lost their clothing and tried to either drink or stop the fountain.

It truly was a fun day and I am glad they had a good birthday. It was also a solid victory for team blue and a miserable failure for those rooting for team pink.

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